Family owned & Operated in The Same Location over 30 Years

The Cabaj family has owned and operated the Desoto location since 1984. In 1979 Bill along with his Dad Bill Sr. and mom Rose began operations in Dallas. Today Bill is the operations manager and president of the company. Mom still comes in and helps out with the daily bookkeeping at the age of 77, she is amazing! Sr. mostly retired at the age of 80 still provides his wisdom and experience to the company. And a third generation of the Cabaj’s is represented by Andrew, Bill’s son. He is one of the outstanding technicians here at AllState auto experts. The Cabaj’s believe in good old fashioned customer service with a blend of new technology. We strive to develop lifetime customers who are comfortable and confident with us, that they bring all their vehicles repair needs to us, and share with their friends who they trust.
From transmission service to complete auto repair, factory scheduled maintenance, brake service auto electrical and more in Dallas and surrounding area choose
Why Choose AllState Auto Experts

Our Dallas auto shop has been in business for 30 years at the same location, owned and operated by the same family, the Cabaj’s. This shows outstanding stability in these times! So many shops have opened up and closed very quickly over short periods of years. Or sometimes they are sold to another owner who refuses to honor your warranty. We have seen this happen time and time again in our marketplace. We have even seen the same owner change the name of a business at the same location and refuse to honor his customer’s warranties. My name is Bill Cabaj, President of operations. We have always guaranteed our work in writing, and honored our customer’s warranties for over 30 years!
Our technicians are ASE certified and highly trained in both foreign and domestic models. We have different specialists for every type of job and every model of vehicle. So whether you have a German, Asian, or US Built vehicle we have the trained staff to do the job right the first time. Some companies will tout they have the best equipment around to diagnose your vehicle. All this great equipment usually only gives you a starting point to where the problem lies. While we have the equipment, we believe the greatest asset we have is our technicians. A phenomenal technician will take what the diagnostic equipment is giving them and get to the root of the problem. If you do not find what caused the problem on the vehicle, the customer will be back several or many times until that cause is corrected. A misdiagnosed problem can lead to replacing many unnecessary parts and can cause you the customer a lot of money and time. Another great thing about phenomenal technicians is they can properly prioritize your repairs. Many times a vehicle will come in with multiple problems. If you can’t fix everything right away, a good technician will be able to tell you which repairs should be done first from a safety standpoint and also be able to tell you about how much time you have left before the other things become a real problem. Keeping your vehicle safe and reliable is a real passion of our technicians!
ATRA is an association of over 2000 of the best independent transmission shops in the country. We all employ the highest standards in the industry in every rebuilt transmission. And we uphold the highest ethical standards in the industry as well. We also guarantee each other’s work. This gives you the customer great peace of mind, knowing that you have nationwide coverage with our warranty. So if you are traveling through the Dallas area and your car transmission breaks down, we can get you back on the road quickly to wherever you are going. And if a problem arises when you get back home, a local ATRA member will be able to fix it quickly under the ATRA Golden Rule Warranty and get you going again. This not only gives you peace of mind, but us as well. We know we have great, honest ethical shops all over the country to take care of our customers.
We are a BBB Accredited Business since 2004 with an A+ Rating. This is the highest grade a business can get. And being accredited means we agree to abide by the BBB’s highest standards of doing business. Allstate Transmissions & Auto Repair is businesses that you can count on to treat you fairly and honestly.
FREE TOWING IN 50 MILE RADIUS We offer free towing to our clients with any major repair and service in a
We will only recommend parts that you need to keep your vehicle safe, reliable and performing at a top level. We pledge to uphold the BBB standards of conducting business as well as ATRA. Both organizations only offer membership to those companies that will uphold the highest standards of customer service and repairs in the country. Allstate Transmissions & Auto repair offers you the best in customer service and repairs in the nation.
TO YOUR HOME OR OFFICE, Complimentary ride to work or home after dropping off
LATE NIGHT OR BRIGHT & EARLY We have a convenient night or early bird drop-off box. You can drop off your vehicle before or after hours. Simply park and lock your vehicle by our front door and drop your keys in our night drop box next to the front door. We will check your vehicle out and call you at work or home with the diagnosis.
We know car repairs can be costly and always seem to come at the wrong time. We have always had several options available to our customers. We are always seeking out vendors that can help our customers. We have programs that can fit almost everyone’s needs regardless of your credit history. Paying for repairs has never been this easy!
Quote from Dave Ramsey’s book Complete Guide To Money
Myth: Car payments are a way of life, and you will always have one.
Truth: The typical millionaire stays away from car payments by driving reliable used cars.
Dave Ramsey is America’s trusted voice on money and business. He’s authored four New York Times best-selling books. Financial Peace, More Than Enough, The Total Money Makeover and Entreleadership. The Dave Ramsey Show is heard by more than 5 million listners each week on more than 500 radio station. More than one million families have taken his common-sense financial class, Financial Peace University in churches, workplaces, community centers, nonprofits and military installations across the country
Another paragraph from the same book: People always say, “Well, Dave, if I were a millionaire, I’d be able to pay cash for a car too!” No, you are not getting it. These people don’t buy with cash because they are rich; they’re rich because they buy cars with cash! Think about how much the average American spends on car payments in his lifetime. The average payment is around $464 a month right now. If you invest $464 in a good mutual fund from age 30 to age 70, you’ll end up with more than $5 million. Now, I love nice cars, but I’ve never seen one worth $5 million!
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